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13th Tetrahedron Symposium: Call for Abstracts!

On behalf of the scientific committee of the 13th Tetrahedron Symposium - Asia, I wish to invite you to our meeting in Taipei in November. This conference, which follows up on the previous highly successful Tetrahedron Symposia, aims to provide an international forum for reporting challenges and advances in Organic and Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry.

We have an excellent line-up of world-class speakers coming from across the globe. This year is also the first time that a selection of researchers who submit abstracts will have the opportunity to give a short oral presentation.

The intention of this conference is to provide an intimate and relaxed environment, to stimulate fresh thinking and creative ideas in a scientific field impacting so importantly on life and medical sciences. The symposium will also highlight the key role of chemistry in the discovery and development of new therapeutic agents for human diseases.

I look forward to welcoming you to Taiwan!
